#591: Amoonguss

Mushroom Pokémon
Effect Spore
Contact with the Pokémon may inflict poison, sleep, or paralysis on its attacker.
Regenerator (hidden)
Restores a little HP when withdrawn from battle.
Egg Groups
  • Grass


HP: 114
Atk: 85
Def: 70
SpA: 85
SpD: 80
Spe: 30
Total: 464




Raise to level 39

Damage taken

  • N/A
  • N/A

Miscellaneous data

Gender Height Weight

50.0% male, 50.0% female

0.6 m
10.5 kg
23.1 lbs
Growth rate EV yield Capture rate
Medium-fast 2 HP 75

Dex Entries

This Pokémon puffs poisonous spores at its foes. If the spores aren’t washed off quickly, they’ll grow into mushrooms wherever they land.

Amoonguss generally doesn’t move much. It tends to stand still near Poké Balls that have been dropped on the ground.



Lvl. Move Type Class PowerPwr Acc PP Pri
1 Absorb 20 100% 25 0
1 Astonish 30 100% 15 0
1 Bide 10 1
1 Growth 20 0
6 Growth 20 0
8 Astonish 30 100% 15 0
12 Bide 10 1
15 Mega Drain 40 100% 15 0
18 Ingrain 20 0
20 Feint Attack 60 20 0
24 Sweet Scent 100% 20 0
28 Giga Drain 75 100% 10 0
32 Toxic 90% 10 0
35 Synthesis 5 0
43 Clear Smog 50 15 0
49 Solar Beam 120 100% 10 0
54 Rage Powder 20 2
62 Spore 100% 15 0


Move Type Class PowerPwr Acc PP Pri
Attract 100% 15 0
Confide 20 0
Double Team 15 0
Energy Ball 90 100% 10 0
Facade 70 100% 20 0
Frustration 100% 20 0
Giga Impact 150 90% 5 0
Grass Knot 100% 20 0
Hidden Power 60 100% 15 0
Hyper Beam 150 90% 5 0
Nature Power 20 0
Payback 50 100% 10 0
Protect 10 4
Rain Dance 5 0
Rest 10 0
Return 100% 20 0
Round 60 100% 15 0
Sleep Talk 10 0
Sludge Bomb 90 100% 10 0
Solar Beam 120 100% 10 0
Substitute 10 0
Sunny Day 5 0
Swagger 85% 15 0
Toxic 90% 10 0
Venoshock 65 100% 10 0


Move Type Class PowerPwr Acc PP Pri
After You 15 0
Foul Play 95 100% 15 0
Gastro Acid 100% 10 0
Giga Drain 75 100% 10 0
Seed Bomb 80 100% 15 0
Snore 50 100% 15 0
Stomping Tantrum 75 100% 10 0
Synthesis 5 0
Worry Seed 100% 10 0

Available Max moves

Type Class Move
Max Darkness
Max Flare
Max Flutterby
Max Geyser
Max Guard
Max Mindstorm
Max Ooze
Max Overgrowth
Max Phantasm
Max Quake
Max Strike