#186: Politoed

Frog Pokémon
Water Absorb
Restores HP if hit by a Water-type move, instead of taking damage.
Prevents the use of explosive moves such as Self-Destruct by dampening its surroundings.
Drizzle (hidden)
The Pokémon makes it rain when it enters a battle.
Egg Groups
  • Water 1


HP: 90
Atk: 75
Def: 75
SpA: 90
SpD: 100
Spe: 70
Total: 500




Raise to level 25


Trade while holding a King’s Rock


Use a Water Stone

Damage taken

  • N/A

Miscellaneous data

Gender Height Weight

50.0% male, 50.0% female

1.1 m
33.9 kg
74.7 lbs
Growth rate EV yield Capture rate
Medium-slow 3 Special Defense 45

Dex Entries

At nightfall, these Pokémon appear on the shores of lakes. They announce their territorial claims by letting out cries that sound like shouting.

The cry of a male is louder than that of a female. Male Politoed with deep, menacing voices find more popularity with the opposite gender.



Lvl. Move Type Class PowerPwr Acc PP Pri
1 Bubble Beam 65 100% 20 0
1 Double Slap 15 85% 10 0
1 Hypnosis 60% 20 0
1 Perish Song 5 0
27 Swagger 85% 15 0
37 Bounce 85 85% 5 0
48 Hyper Voice 90 100% 10 0


Move Type Class PowerPwr Acc PP Pri
Attract 100% 15 0
Blizzard 110 70% 5 0
Brick Break 75 100% 15 0
Bulldoze 60 100% 20 0
Confide 20 0
Double Team 15 0
Earthquake 100 100% 10 0
Echoed Voice 40 100% 15 0
Facade 70 100% 20 0
Fling 100% 10 0
Focus Blast 120 70% 5 0
Frustration 100% 20 0
Giga Impact 150 90% 5 0
Hail 10 0
Hidden Power 60 100% 15 0
Hyper Beam 150 90% 5 0
Ice Beam 90 100% 10 0
Payback 50 100% 10 0
Protect 10 4
Psychic 90 100% 10 0
Rain Dance 5 0
Rest 10 0
Return 100% 20 0
Round 60 100% 15 0
Scald 80 100% 15 0
Sleep Talk 10 0
Substitute 10 0
Surf 90 100% 15 0
Swagger 85% 15 0
Thief 60 100% 25 0
Toxic 90% 10 0
Waterfall 80 100% 15 0


Move Type Class PowerPwr Acc PP Pri
Bounce 85 85% 5 0
Endeavor 100% 5 0
Focus Punch 150 100% 20 -3
Helping Hand 20 5
Hyper Voice 90 100% 10 0
Ice Punch 75 100% 15 0
Icy Wind 55 95% 15 0
Snore 50 100% 15 0
Water Pulse 60 100% 20 0

Available Max moves

Type Class Move
Max Airstream
Max Darkness
Max Geyser
Max Guard
Max Hailstorm
Max Knuckle
Max Mindstorm
Max Ooze
Max Quake
Max Strike