Heal Bell


The user makes a soothing bell chime to heal the status conditions of all the party Pokémon.

Power Accuracy PP
5 (max 8)
Target Priority  
All allies 0  

Damage dealt

  • N/A



By level-up

Lvl.   Pokémon Type Abilities Hidden Ability HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
1 Celebi 100 100 100 100 100 100
27 Chimecho 75 50 80 95 90 65
37 Skitty 50 45 45 35 35 50
48 Miltank 95 80 105 40 70 100

By tutor

  Pokémon Type Abilities Hidden Ability HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
Clefairy 70 45 48 60 65 35
Clefable 95 70 73 95 90 60
Alolan Form
38 41 40 50 65 65
Alolan Form
73 67 75 81 100 109
Igglybuff 90 30 15 40 20 15
Jigglypuff 115 45 20 45 25 20
Wigglytuff 140 70 45 85 50 45
Happiny 100 5 5 15 65 30
Chansey 250 5 5 35 105 50
Blissey 255 10 10 75 135 55
Smoochum 45 30 15 85 65 65
Jynx 65 50 35 115 95 95
Lapras 130 85 80 85 95 60
Eevee 55 55 50 45 65 55
Vaporeon 130 65 60 110 95 65
Jolteon 65 65 60 110 95 130
Flareon 65 130 60 95 110 65
Espeon 65 65 60 130 95 110
Umbreon 95 65 110 60 130 65
Leafeon 65 110 130 60 65 95
Glaceon 65 60 110 130 95 65
Sylveon 95 65 65 110 130 60
Mew 100 100 100 100 100 100
Chinchou 75 38 38 56 56 67
Lanturn 125 58 58 76 76 67
Togepi 35 20 65 40 65 20
Togetic 55 40 85 80 105 40
Togekiss 85 50 95 120 115 80
Mareep 55 40 40 65 45 35
Flaaffy 70 55 55 80 60 45
Ampharos 90 75 85 115 90 55
Mega Form
90 95 105 165 110 45
Misdreavus 60 60 60 85 85 85
Mismagius 60 60 60 105 105 105
Snubbull 60 80 50 40 40 30
Granbull 90 120 75 60 60 45
Miltank 95 80 105 40 70 100
Celebi 100 100 100 100 100 100
Gardevoir 68 65 65 125 115 80
Mega Form
68 85 65 165 135 100
Skitty 50 45 45 35 35 50
Delcatty 70 65 65 55 55 90
Spoink 60 25 35 70 80 60
Grumpig 80 45 65 90 110 80
Swablu 45 40 60 40 75 50
Altaria 75 70 90 70 105 80
Mega Form
75 110 110 110 105 80
Chingling 45 30 50 65 50 45
Chimecho 75 50 80 95 90 65
Kricketune 77 85 51 55 51 65
Buneary 55 66 44 44 56 85
Lopunny 65 76 84 54 96 105
Mega Form
65 136 94 54 96 135
Uxie 75 75 130 75 130 95
Phione 80 80 80 80 80 80
Manaphy 100 100 100 100 100 100
Munna 76 25 45 67 55 24
Musharna 116 55 85 107 95 29
Audino 103 60 86 60 86 50
Mega Form
103 60 126 80 126 50
Leavanny 75 103 80 70 80 92
Petilil 45 35 50 70 50 30
Lilligant 70 60 75 110 75 90
Gothita 45 30 50 55 65 45
Gothorita 60 45 70 75 85 55
Gothitelle 70 55 95 95 110 65
Meloetta 100 77 77 128 128 90
Pirouette Form
100 128 90 77 77 128
Red Flower Form
44 38 39 61 79 42
Espurr 62 48 54 63 60 68
Male Form
74 48 76 83 81 104
Spritzee 78 52 60 63 65 23
Aromatisse 101 72 72 99 89 29
Swirlix 62 48 66 59 57 49
Slurpuff 82 80 86 85 75 72
Diancie 50 100 150 100 150 50
Mega Form
50 160 110 160 110 110
Comfey 51 52 90 82 110 100
Magearna 80 95 115 130 115 65

As an Egg Move

  Pokémon Type Abilities Hidden Ability HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
Happiny 100 5 5 15 65 30
Chansey 250 5 5 35 105 50
Snubbull 60 80 50 40 40 30
Audino 103 60 86 60 86 50
Mega Form
103 60 126 80 126 50