#898: Calyrex

King Pokémon
Unnerves opposing Pokémon and makes them unable to eat Berries.
Egg Groups
  • Undiscovered


HP: 100
Atk: 80
Def: 80
SpA: 80
SpD: 80
Spe: 80
Total: 500

Damage taken

  • N/A
  • N/A

Miscellaneous data

Gender Height Weight


1.1 m
7.7 kg
17.0 lbs
Growth rate EV yield Capture rate
Slow 3 HP 3

Dex Entries

Calyrex is a merciful Pokémon, capable of providing healing and blessings. It reigned over the Galar region in times of yore.

Calyrex is known in legend as a king that ruled over Galar in ancient times. It has the power to cause hearts to mend and plants to spring forth.



Lvl. Move Type Class PowerPwr Acc PP Pri
1 Confusion 50 100% 25 0
1 Growth 20 0
1 Mega Drain 40 100% 15 0
1 Pound 40 100% 35 0
8 Life Dew 10 0
16 Giga Drain 75 100% 10 0
24 Psyshock 80 100% 10 0
32 Helping Hand 20 5
40 Aromatherapy 5 0
48 Energy Ball 90 100% 10 0
56 Psychic 90 100% 10 0
64 Leech Seed 90% 10 0
72 Heal Pulse 10 0
80 Solar Beam 120 100% 10 0
88 Future Sight 120 100% 10 0


Move Type Class PowerPwr Acc PP Pri
Agility 30 0
Ally Switch 15 2
Baton Pass 40 0
Bullet Seed 25 100% 30 0
Calm Mind 20 0
Draining Kiss 50 100% 10 0
Encore 100% 5 0
Endure 10 4
Energy Ball 90 100% 10 0
Facade 70 100% 20 0
Future Sight 120 100% 10 0
Giga Drain 75 100% 10 0
Giga Impact 150 90% 5 0
Grass Knot 100% 20 0
Grassy Terrain 10 0
Guard Swap 10 0
Helping Hand 20 5
Hyper Beam 150 90% 5 0
Imprison 10 0
Leaf Storm 130 90% 5 0
Light Screen 30 0
Magic Room 10 0
Magical Leaf 60 20 0
Metronome 10 0
Pay Day 40 100% 20 0
Pollen Puff 90 100% 15 0
Power Swap 10 0
Protect 10 4
Psychic 90 100% 10 0
Psychic Terrain 10 0
Psyshock 80 100% 10 0
Reflect 20 0
Rest 10 0
Round 60 100% 15 0
Safeguard 25 0
Seed Bomb 80 100% 15 0
Skill Swap 10 0
Sleep Talk 10 0
Snore 50 100% 15 0
Solar Beam 120 100% 10 0
Solar Blade 125 100% 10 0
Speed Swap 10 0
Stored Power 20 100% 10 0
Substitute 10 0
Sunny Day 5 0
Swift 60 20 0
Tri Attack 80 100% 10 0
Trick 100% 10 0
Trick Room 5 -7
Wonder Room 10 0
Zen Headbutt 80 90% 15 0

Available Max moves

Type Class Move
Max Flare
Max Flutterby
Max Geyser
Max Guard
Max Mindstorm
Max Overgrowth
Max Starfall
Max Strike

Other Forms

Ice Rider Form

Shadow Rider Form