#306: Aggron

Iron Armor Pokémon
It cannot be knocked out with one hit. One-hit KO moves cannot knock it out, either.
Rock Head
Protects the Pokémon from recoil damage.
Heavy Metal (hidden)
Doubles the Pokémon’s weight.
Egg Groups
  • Monster


HP: 70
Atk: 110
Def: 180
SpA: 60
SpD: 60
Spe: 50
Total: 530




Raise to level 32


Raise to level 42

Damage taken


Miscellaneous data

Gender Height Weight

50.0% male, 50.0% female

2.1 m
360.0 kg
793.7 lbs
Growth rate EV yield Capture rate
Slow 3 Defense 45

Dex Entries

Aggron has a horn sharp enough to perforate thick iron sheets. It brings down its opponents by ramming into them horn first.

Long ago, there was a king who wore a helmet meant to resemble the head of an Aggron. He was trying to channel the Pokémon’s strength.



Lvl. Move Type Class PowerPwr Acc PP Pri
1 Harden 30 0
1 Headbutt 70 100% 15 0
1 Mud-Slap 20 100% 10 0
1 Tackle 40 100% 35 0
4 Mud-Slap 20 100% 10 0
7 Headbutt 70 100% 15 0
10 Metal Claw 50 95% 35 0
13 Rock Tomb 60 95% 15 0
16 Protect 10 4
19 Roar 20 -6
22 Iron Head 80 100% 15 0
25 Rock Slide 75 90% 10 0
28 Take Down 90 85% 20 0
31 Metal Sound 85% 40 0
35 Iron Tail 100 75% 15 0
39 Iron Defense 15 0
45 Double-Edge 120 100% 15 0
51 Autotomize 15 0
57 Heavy Slam 100% 10 0
63 Metal Burst 100% 10 0


Move Type Class PowerPwr Acc PP Pri
Aerial Ace 60 20 0
Attract 100% 15 0
Blizzard 110 70% 5 0
Brick Break 75 100% 15 0
Brutal Swing 60 100% 20 0
Bulldoze 60 100% 20 0
Confide 20 0
Dark Pulse 80 100% 15 0
Double Team 15 0
Dragon Claw 80 100% 15 0
Dragon Tail 60 90% 10 -6
Earthquake 100 100% 10 0
Facade 70 100% 20 0
Fire Blast 110 85% 5 0
Flamethrower 90 100% 15 0
Flash Cannon 80 100% 10 0
Fling 100% 10 0
Focus Blast 120 70% 5 0
Frustration 100% 20 0
Giga Impact 150 90% 5 0
Hidden Power 60 100% 15 0
Hyper Beam 150 90% 5 0
Ice Beam 90 100% 10 0
Payback 50 100% 10 0
Protect 10 4
Rain Dance 5 0
Rest 10 0
Return 100% 20 0
Roar 20 -6
Rock Polish 20 0
Rock Slide 75 90% 10 0
Rock Tomb 60 95% 15 0
Round 60 100% 15 0
Sandstorm 10 0
Shadow Claw 70 100% 15 0
Sleep Talk 10 0
Smack Down 50 100% 15 0
Smart Strike 70 10 0
Solar Beam 120 100% 10 0
Stone Edge 100 80% 5 0
Substitute 10 0
Sunny Day 5 0
Surf 90 100% 15 0
Swagger 85% 15 0
Taunt 100% 20 0
Thunder 110 70% 10 0
Thunder Wave 90% 20 0
Thunderbolt 90 100% 15 0
Toxic 90% 10 0


Move Type Class PowerPwr Acc PP Pri
Aqua Tail 90 90% 10 0
Block 5 0
Dragon Pulse 85 100% 10 0
Earth Power 90 100% 10 0
Endeavor 100% 5 0
Fire Punch 75 100% 15 0
Focus Punch 150 100% 20 -3
Ice Punch 75 100% 15 0
Icy Wind 55 95% 15 0
Iron Defense 15 0
Iron Head 80 100% 15 0
Iron Tail 100 75% 15 0
Low Kick 100% 20 0
Magnet Rise 10 0
Outrage 120 100% 10 0
Shock Wave 60 20 0
Snore 50 100% 15 0
Spite 100% 10 0
Stealth Rock 20 0
Stomping Tantrum 75 100% 10 0
Superpower 120 100% 5 0
Thunder Punch 75 100% 15 0
Uproar 90 100% 10 0
Water Pulse 60 100% 20 0

Available Max moves

Type Class Move
Max Airstream
Max Darkness
Max Flare
Max Geyser
Max Guard
Max Hailstorm
Max Knuckle
Max Lightning
Max Mindstorm
Max Ooze
Max Overgrowth
Max Phantasm
Max Quake
Max Rockfall
Max Steelspike
Max Strike
Max Wyrmwind

Other Forms

Mega Form