

A five-turn sandstorm is summoned to hurt all combatants except Rock, Ground, and Steel types. It raises the Sp. Def stat of Rock types.

Power Accuracy PP
10 (max 16)
Target Priority  
Both sides 0  

Damage dealt

  • N/A



By level-up

Lvl.   Pokémon Type Abilities Hidden Ability HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
1 Tyranitar
Mega Form
100 164 150 95 120 71
1 Garchomp 108 130 95 80 85 102
1 Garchomp
Mega Form
108 170 115 120 95 92
5 Tyranitar
Mega Form
100 164 150 95 120 71
13 Gible 58 70 45 40 45 42
13 Gabite 68 90 65 50 55 82
13 Garchomp 108 130 95 80 85 102
13 Garchomp
Mega Form
108 170 115 120 95 92
20 Drilbur 60 85 40 30 45 68
20 Excadrill 110 135 60 50 65 88
24 Hippopotas 68 72 78 38 42 32
24 Hippowdon 108 112 118 68 72 47
32 Trapinch 45 100 45 45 45 10
32 Vibrava 50 70 50 50 50 70
32 Flygon 80 100 80 80 80 100
34 Nosepass 30 45 135 45 90 30
34 Probopass 60 55 145 75 150 40
35 Zygarde
50% Form
108 100 121 81 95 95
35 Zygarde
10% Form
54 100 71 61 85 115
35 Zygarde
Complete Form
216 100 121 91 95 85
35 Silicobra 52 57 75 35 50 46
35 Sandacobra 72 107 125 65 70 71
36 Roggenrola 55 75 85 25 25 15
39 Larvitar 50 64 50 45 50 41
39 Baltoy 40 40 55 40 70 55
40 Steelix 75 85 200 55 65 30
40 Sandile 50 72 35 35 35 65
42 Boldore 70 105 105 50 40 20
42 Gigalith 85 135 130 60 80 25
43 Claydol 60 70 105 70 120 75
44 Krokorok 60 82 45 45 45 74
47 Pupitar 70 84 70 65 70 51
47 Tyranitar 100 134 110 95 100 61
48 Krookodile 95 117 80 65 70 92
50 Cacnea 50 85 40 85 40 35
52 Steelix
Mega Form
75 125 230 55 95 30
54 Cacturne 70 115 60 115 60 55
54 Sandygast 55 55 80 70 45 15
55 Landorus
Incarnate Form
89 125 90 115 80 101
55 Landorus
Therian Form
89 145 90 105 80 91
60 Palossand 85 75 110 100 75 35

By machine

  Pokémon Type Abilities Hidden Ability HP Atk Def SpA SpD Spe
Steelix 75 85 200 55 65 30
Mega Form
75 125 230 55 95 30
Hitmontop 50 95 95 35 110 70
Lickilicky 110 85 95 80 95 50
Rhyperior 115 140 130 55 55 40
Blissey 255 10 10 75 135 55
Scizor 70 130 100 55 80 65
Mega Form
70 150 140 65 100 75
Munchlax 135 85 40 40 85 5
Bonsly 50 80 95 10 45 10
Sudowoodo 70 100 115 30 65 30
Wooper 55 45 45 25 25 15
Quagsire 95 85 85 65 65 35
Pineco 50 65 90 35 35 15
Forretress 75 90 140 60 60 40
Gligar 65 75 105 35 65 85
Gliscor 75 95 125 45 75 95
Shuckle 20 10 230 10 230 5
Magcargo 60 50 120 90 80 30
Swinub 50 50 40 30 30 50
Piloswine 100 100 80 60 60 50
Mamoswine 110 130 80 70 60 80
Corsola 65 55 95 65 95 35
Galarian Form
60 55 100 65 100 30
Cursola 60 95 50 145 130 30
Skarmory 65 80 140 40 70 70
Phanpy 90 60 60 40 40 40
Donphan 90 120 120 60 60 50
Miltank 95 80 105 40 70 100
Raikou 90 85 75 115 100 115
Entei 115 115 85 90 75 100
Suicune 100 75 115 90 115 85
Larvitar 50 64 50 45 50 41
Pupitar 70 84 70 65 70 51
Tyranitar 100 134 110 95 100 61
Mega Form
100 164 150 95 120 71
Lugia 106 90 130 90 154 110
Ho-Oh 106 130 90 110 154 90
Celebi 100 100 100 100 100 100
Nincada 31 45 90 30 30 40
Ninjask 61 90 45 50 50 160
Shedinja 1 90 45 30 30 40
Nosepass 30 45 135 45 90 30
Probopass 60 55 145 75 150 40
Mawile 50 85 85 55 55 50
Mega Form
50 105 125 55 95 50
Aron 50 70 100 40 40 30
Lairon 60 90 140 50 50 40
Aggron 70 110 180 60 60 50
Mega Form
70 140 230 60 80 50
Numel 60 60 40 65 45 35
Camerupt 70 100 70 105 75 40
Mega Form
70 120 100 145 105 20
Trapinch 45 100 45 45 45 10
Vibrava 50 70 50 50 50 70
Flygon 80 100 80 80 80 100
Cacnea 50 85 40 85 40 35
Cacturne 70 115 60 115 60 55
Lunatone 90 55 65 95 85 70
Solrock 90 95 85 55 65 70
Barboach 50 48 43 46 41 60
Whiscash 110 78 73 76 71 60
Baltoy 40 40 55 40 70 55
Claydol 60 70 105 70 120 75
Lileep 66 41 77 61 87 23
Cradily 86 81 97 81 107 43
Anorith 45 95 50 40 50 75
Armaldo 75 125 100 70 80 45
Castform 70 70 70 70 70 70
Sunny Form
70 70 70 70 70 70
Rainy Form
70 70 70 70 70 70
Snowy Form
70 70 70 70 70 70
Absol 65 130 60 75 60 75
Mega Form
65 150 60 115 60 115
Relicanth 100 90 130 45 65 55
Metang 60 75 100 55 80 50
Metagross 80 135 130 95 90 70
Mega Form
80 145 150 105 110 110
Regirock 80 100 200 50 100 50
Registeel 80 75 150 75 150 50
Latias 80 80 90 110 130 110
Mega Form
80 100 120 140 150 110
Latios 80 90 80 130 110 110
Mega Form
80 130 100 160 120 110
Groudon 100 150 140 100 90 90
Primal Form
100 180 160 150 90 90
Rayquaza 105 150 90 150 90 95
Mega Form
105 180 100 180 100 115
Jirachi 100 100 100 100 100 100
Torterra 95 109 105 75 85 56
Cranidos 67 125 40 30 30 58
Rampardos 97 165 60 65 50 58
Shieldon 30 42 118 42 88 30
Bastiodon 60 52 168 47 138 30
Sandy Coat Form
60 79 105 59 85 36
West Sea Form
111 83 68 92 82 39
Bronzor 57 24 86 24 86 23
Bronzong 67 89 116 79 116 33
Gible 58 70 45 40 45 42
Gabite 68 90 65 50 55 82
Garchomp 108 130 95 80 85 102
Mega Form
108 170 115 120 95 92
Hippopotas 68 72 78 38 42 32
Hippowdon 108 112 118 68 72 47
Uxie 75 75 130 75 130 95
Mesprit 80 105 105 105 105 80
Azelf 75 125 70 125 70 115
Dialga 100 120 120 150 100 90
Palkia 90 120 100 150 120 100
Normal Form
120 120 120 120 120 120
Roggenrola 55 75 85 25 25 15
Boldore 70 105 105 50 40 20
Gigalith 85 135 130 60 80 25
Drilbur 60 85 40 30 45 68
Excadrill 110 135 60 50 65 88
Sandile 50 72 35 35 35 65
Krokorok 60 82 45 45 45 74
Krookodile 95 117 80 65 70 92
Dwebble 50 65 85 35 35 55
Crustle 70 105 125 65 75 45
Galarian Form
38 55 85 30 65 30
Runerigus 58 95 145 50 105 30
Tirtouga 54 78 103 53 45 22
Carracosta 74 108 133 83 65 32
Archen 55 112 45 74 45 70
Archeops 75 140 65 112 65 110
Ferrothorn 74 94 131 54 116 20
Klink 40 55 70 45 60 30
Klang 60 80 95 70 85 50
Klinklang 60 100 115 70 85 90
Accelgor 80 70 40 100 60 145
Stunfisk 109 66 84 81 99 32
Galarian Form
109 81 99 66 84 32
Pawniard 45 85 70 40 40 60
Bisharp 65 125 100 60 70 70
Durant 58 109 112 48 48 109
Cobalion 91 90 129 90 72 108
Terrakion 91 129 90 72 90 108
Incarnate Form
89 125 90 115 80 101
Therian Form
89 145 90 105 80 91
Bunnelby 38 36 38 32 36 57
Diggersby 85 56 77 50 77 78
Binacle 42 52 67 39 56 50
Barbaracle 72 105 115 54 86 68
Helioptile 44 38 33 61 43 70
Heliolisk 62 55 52 109 94 109
Tyrunt 58 89 77 45 45 48
Tyrantrum 82 121 119 69 59 71
Amaura 77 59 50 67 63 46
Aurorus 123 77 72 99 92 58
Carbink 50 50 150 50 150 50
50% Form
108 100 121 81 95 95
10% Form
54 100 71 61 85 115
Complete Form
216 100 121 91 95 85
Diancie 50 100 150 100 150 50
Mega Form
50 160 110 160 110 110
Volcanion 80 110 120 130 90 70
Yungoos 48 70 30 30 30 45
Gumshoos 88 110 60 55 60 45
Baile Form
75 70 70 98 70 93
Pom-Pom Form
75 70 70 98 70 93
Pa’u Form
75 70 70 98 70 93
Sensu Form
75 70 70 98 70 93
Mudbray 70 100 70 45 55 45
Mudsdale 100 125 100 55 85 35
Sandygast 55 55 80 70 45 15
Palossand 85 75 110 100 75 35
Type-Null 95 95 95 95 95 59
Normal Form
95 95 95 95 95 95
Meteor Form
60 60 100 60 100 60
Jangmo-o 45 55 65 45 45 45
Hakamo-o 55 75 90 65 70 65
Kommo-o 75 110 125 100 105 85
Nihilego 109 53 47 127 131 103
Stakataka 61 131 211 53 101 13
Drednaw 90 115 90 48 68 74
Rolycoly 30 40 50 40 50 30
Carkol 80 60 90 60 70 50
Coalossal 110 80 120 80 90 30
Silicobra 52 57 75 35 50 46
Sandacobra 72 107 125 65 70 71
Stonjourner 100 125 135 20 20 70